Currently in Dallas, TX moving over to Colorado at the end 2022 (I know, during the winter. The BEST time to coordinate a major move).
Besides planning a stressful move, I have also been studying to become a Web Developer through Springboard's Software Engineering Bootcamp. Although the structured education is fairly recent, I began my career transition into tech about three years ago learning Python as my first language and since then I have added even more skills and abilities to build static and full stack applications.
Outside of making small applications and completing assignments, I also enjoy reading books, gaming with friends, browsing the custom keyboard scene, and most important of all, going outside with friends or just a nice hike!
Besides core programming/markup languages, I have listed other libraries that I have used which are pretty popular and common from my learning and reading online. Please note that the items below are not ALL the libraries and technologies I have used, but some of the most popular and favorites of mine.
Additional Technologies
Basic static frotend project which makes AJAX requests from a static search input and adds the gif returned to the body of the page. You can find more information on the overall project and the technologies used in the repo using this link!
Flask Static web page which takes inputs from a user and converts the input currency to another currency code the user has selected. This project was an assignment from Springboard which taught us how to use Python and Flask to make external API requests and display the response on the web page. Link to repo can be found here!
Fullstack application using Python and Flask along with PostgreSQL to create a live website. This was my first major capstone project for Springboard and is still currently fully deployed with more updates coming later. Link for the GitHub repo can be found here!